I already have the Sedna Wi-Fi valve at home and would
like to purchase Calypso. Should I also purchase the water detection cable (AC4200C-02) to connect to the
water heater controller?
If you already have the Sedna system with the Wi-Fi valve, we recommend installing the water leak detector with perimeter cable (WL4210C) around your water heater rather than the water sensing cable (AC4200C-02) that can be connected to Calypso since it does not communicate with the valve. By installing the perimeter cable, you will be able to shut off the valve if a leak from the water heater is detected.
If you choose the water detection cable, you can choose to be notified if it detects a leak from the water heater, but the power will not be shut off since Calypso and the Wi-Fi valve cannot communicate with each other.