Integration with other platforms
See how easy it is to integrate our products with Apple Home, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, SmartThings and more...
Integration with other platforms
See how easy it is to integrate our products with Apple Home, Google Home, Amazon Alexa, SmartThings and more...
Add your devices to Samsung SmartThings
Integrate your Sinopé devices with the SmartThings application to gain better control of your smart home.

Since switching to local execution on the gateway, SmartThings is no longer able to access location-based weather information. This explains why users of the platform no longer have access to the outdoor temperature on their Sinopé thermostats.
This is a feature that was lost in the migration to Edge. For the automations that use the outdoor temperature on their platform, they recommend to use the weather widget integrated in the application.

Control your devices with Apple Home and Siri
Certain devices from the Wi-Fi line can be added in the blink of an eye to your Apple Home app on your iPhone or iPad.
Control your devices with the Google Assistant
Add your Wi-Fi and Zigbee devices to the Google Assistant and control them by voice.

Control your devices with Alexa
The majority of our devices are compatible with Amazon Alexa. Some even work directly with the Echo Plus and the Echo Show.
Add your devices to Hubitat Elevation
Add your Zigbee devices to the Hubitat Elevation hub which allows you to connect a wide variety of devices.

Add your devices to Helix
Add your devices to Helix by Videotron to control your smart home with ease.
Add your devices to Hilo
Add your devices to Hilo to control your devices during peak events.

Look for more topics
You will find below the most common issues you may encounter.
If you still need help, contact Sinopé technical support.